Ensure You Know the Unwritten Rules of Texas Hold’em Poker

It doesn’t matter whether you play Texas Hold’em poker online or at an actual casino, the more you practice, the better your game.

Knowing these “unwritten” Texas Hold’em poker rules doesn’t hurt either so read on!

Patience takes practice

Too many Texas Hold’em poker players mistakenly think that winning really big – just once – is the way to go. But that’s not at all true. In fact if you play this way you’re practically guaranteed to go home a big loser. The best players know that the secret to winning is to play slowly and steadily. They’re not afraid to sit out a hand or to fold when the pot odds aren’t in their favor.

Learn to refocus

Again, too many Texas Hold’em poker players go into the game believing it’s their duty to play aggressively in an attempt to knock other players out of the game. If you think like this then you need to stop. Plenty of players will make stupid mistakes and knock themselves out without your help. If you let them fall on their own all you’ll need to focus on are the players who are left.

Learn the risks worth taking

The term “playing loose” refers to players who make bets they definitely shouldn’t be making. This behavior is extremely risky especially when betting on hands that are nearly impossible to win. And it’s another sure-fire way to go home a loser. You’ll have to take risks from time to time when playing Texas Hold’em poker. But you want to be sure that what you’re risking is proportional to your chances of winning. This is what’s meant by taking calculated risks. And yes, it does involve knowing how to calculate pot odds and the odds that the card you need will come up.

Don’t become vulnerable

If you allow it, don’t be surprised when other Texas Hold’em players start setting traps that they know you’ll fall into. Even though setting traps is a tactic used mostly by experienced players, any player can do it. All another player needs to unleash this potentially devastating tactic is the ability to identify a vulnerable player. Oftentimes players may not even realize they’re showing vulnerability. Take the player who goes into the game knowing he will fold when he gets raised. Realizing that this player has a pattern of folding under pressure, it won’t take long before other players start laying traps designed to take the vulnerable player’s money. A better tactic for that player would be to immediately check or to fold instead of waiting.

Leave your “scared money” at home

Texas Hold’em poker and any casino game for that matter shouldn’t be played by people who can’t afford to raise the stakes as high as they need to go for a chance to win big. Better known as “playing with scared money,” those who play Texas Hold’em with it frequently lose pots that rightfully should be theirs because they allow themselves be bluffed by other players. Don’t make this mistake! Play only with money you can afford to lose.

Discover How to Generate Positive Cashflow for Yourself Through the Game of No Limit Texas Hold’em Poker. Visit http://www.ExpertPokerSecrets.com/be/ today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nathan_Ames

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